to remember
We only accept credit cards for down payments
The balance must be paid in cash to the driver the morning of pickup. Also, all purchases in the islands must be made in cash. So please be get cash no later than the night before and keep in mind your daily limits when planning to have enough cash.
Pick up for standard transport is between 5-6 am daily.
If you provided a WHATSAPP number with your booking you will receive a message the night before with a 20 minute pick up window. If you are not at the scheduled pickup location on time our driver will do their best to locate you by phone or in your hostel or hotel. If they are unable to locate you they will have to move on out of respect for the other guests. If this happens we do not refund deposit payment.
We do not offer refunds or discount for rain or bad weather
Unless a trip is canceled by us for safety reason. May through October are months where it can rain very often, and November through April can have high winds that make the seas rough. The weather changes often in the islands, our experienced guides and hosts do their best to keep guests dry, but the islands are a very rustic area and guests must be prepared accordingly for changing weather conditions.